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The Flavour of the Day

Live cam sites certainly is the flavour of the day in the porn industry at the moment.

I’m not sure of the exact details why but this niche of the industry has seen a massive revival somewhat recently and everyone and his dog is trying to get in on the action. Quite honestly, my experience is telling me that it has all the right ingredients right now for it to take a hard nosedive again but not to the extent that it did previously.

Without boring you with too much detail but the reason it is working right now is that the economics of it have been reworked entirely and it is now fair in equal portions to the host, performer and customer in more or less equal portions whereas the previous attempt, quite some years ago, was a blatant cash grab.

Fly by night hosts are starting to dilute it again though by trying to make a quick buck and it’s therefore important to know who to avoid. In this case I can least tell you who’s worth it by mentioning this free credits offer from XCams.