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Month: September, 2015

Not all girls on webcam are addicts or prostitutes

One of the most enduring stereotypes regarding girls on webcams is that somehow, some way they are damaged people. After all, who in their right mind would want to take off their clothes in front of complete strangers from all over the world for a huge amount of money? Well, the truth is webcam shows are completely economic activities. Wherever there is demand, there’s going to be people that will supply that demand.

That’s the bottom line whether you’re looking for services to get into college, looking for financial instruments or looking to solve a disease or a medical condition. Whenever there is demand, there is going to be supply for that. That’s how markets work. That’s how economies worked in the past. That’s how they are working now. That’s how they’re going to be working long into the future. That’s how it works. And unfortunately, a lot of idiots who think that all webcam girls are addicts or prostitutes or somehow broken people are just completely off their rocker.

Does this mean that there are no chicks who perform on webcam that were not molested by their dads or are meth addicts or regularly trade sex for money? Of course not. There will always be a percentage of that. But you’re really missing the forest for the trees if you automatically assume that all girls on webcam are addicts or prostitutes. That’s not the case. In fact, studies have confirmed this. Chicks with those serious problems are in the minority. Most of the women that take off their clothes or perform sex acts on webcam do so because they like it and they get paid a lot of money and it satisfies their need for adventure. That’s the bottom line. Check out for more cam girls