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Pooling the Best of VR

Virtual reality is taking the world by storm and as usual, with any developments in the visual media game, porn is right at the forefront and that should honestly be no surprise to anyone who has the vaguest idea of the statistics. Porn is by far the biggest sector in the visual media industry. That’s right, much bigger than even television.

Over the past couple of months it has really boomed in terms of sites and I’m afraid that those who have not yet started adapting are in for a lot of pain. Mark my words, you will see porn empires fall in the next 5 years because they did not keep up with the times and new networks will become the kings of the game.

An easy way to know who some of the bigger names are in the VR game today you might want to consider a Sex Like Real 51% off discount. While the majority of VR sites are still building up archives this site has pooled quite a few of these sites together to offer you a one stop site with plenty of VR content of great quality.